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Welcome to the א community!

First, here are the main ideas behind our rules that should be yours:

– The respect of others is primary.
– This instance wants to be peaceful and welcoming.
– Each user is responsible of their account.

Rules of

You can be suspended for:

– Sharing content that is illegal in France (pedophilia, mainly).
– Taking part of a harassment.
– Putting someone in danger.
– Having a racist, sexist, discriminating or oppressive talk.
– Voluntarily degrading the prosperity or the good atmosphere of the instance.

You can be muted from the public timelines for:

– Posting a media, some text or a link to the following contents without an explicit content warning and NSFW cover:
– nudity (#nude)
– gore (#gore)
– pornography (#porn)
– a flashy media that could be harmful for photosensitive people (#epilepsywarning)
– spoil (#spoil)
– Unpleasant shitposting or flooding.
– Making abusive ads.
– Posting automatic toots from another source.

Please keep in mind that this rules are here to guarantee a good experience to everyone on the instance. Also, this list is not exhaustive and moderators will do their best to solve problems that may not have been specified here.
If you have any question, or suggestion, don’t hesitate to contact me at! 🙂

You can also donate every month to help me to maintain this instance:
