The instance has multiple goals, the most important of all being making everyone on here feel as safe as possible. Other goals include letting users manage their social life easily and securely, makin …
Updates are applied quickly. We have no too strong rules but, On our primary directive is: → “Be nice to each other!” The full CoC is here: …
Our guidelines are currently being written ; but basically: * Don’t be a dick, * No advertising, harassment, spam, * No abuse on the API by local users (bots, …), * Any thing illegal under … is a general purpose instance, where topics are mostly technical and scientific, but there’s a bit of everything. Federates with everything, allows nearly everything lawful in Fra …
You are welcome if you welcome other people that welcome other people. So do not welcome nazis and you are welcome
Instance Mastodon orientée photo FR – EN La branche master est utilisée ici afin de profiter des dernières améliorations apportées à mastodon. Suivez Guimik pour rester informé des mises à jour, …