青いSNSに疲れた管理人が建てた、一次・二次を問わない腐女子向けの雑談OKインスタンスです。 広い心を持ってお互いを尊重し、みんなでワイワイ仲良く使ってください。 私の大好きは、だれかの地雷。 私の地雷は、だれかの大好き。 これ大事。 ローカルタイムライン/ホームタイムライン/ブロック機能/ミュート機能をうまく使ってね。 ※地雷が多い方や同担拒否!みたいな方にはオススメできないインスタンスです。 …

syosetu.social (小説.social) では小説が好きな人が集う Mastodon インスタンスです。 一次・二次問わず好きな小説について語り合いましょう!

オタク女子専用インスタンスです。よじのくに 様がユーザー登録を停止しているため開設しました。

The Salt Mine is a place for fans of the video game Planetside 2 to congregate. It is currently in closed beta, with a few individuals and groups helping to test it out. Message me if you have any sug …

Social networking mainly about food, everyday favorites, sharing recipes, food blogger or tips in the kitchen. Main spoken language is Swedish.

A little Instances where you can post ANYTHING accept child pornography

This instance will follow the terms of service/code of conduct of the flagship instance until changes become necessary. Please read and follow them while being part of Cutie Space. Additional Guidelin …

No, you will not be assimilated. You are not the chosen one and we are more the choosey ones. UNICOMPLEX.CO is not an instance for young children or sensitive adults, while we moderate, we deal with r …

No, you will not be assimilated. You are not the chosen one and we are more the choosey ones. UNICOMPLEX.CO is not an instance for young children or sensitive adults, while we moderate, we deal with r …

Cuddlesome, friendly instance. Headpats and love is welcome here :3 cuddlesome is an instance where anything is possible. All we ask is that you follow our Code of Conduct We allow: cuddles pets headp …

Social.fractalco.re is a small instance for testing new technologies and for a bunch of nerds, geeks, and randoms to chat about shit. English-only to allow for simple moderation

A Mastodon instance hosted by @morth and @npanic Themes: Nerdism, Psytrance, Goa, Psychedelics, BSDM, Linux, Software, Programming, Hacking, Politics, Internet, Rants, Haidflow, Science, Art, Music, F …

An early adopter site for people who are in the UK. The aim is to offer a place safe from people who need safe spaces! The main rule is live and let live, but don’t spam, and keep your dodgy por …

Mastodonserver (.se) är en instans i ett decentraliserat socialt nätverk som drivs av organisationen Örebro Tribune. Det är inte fokuserat på någon speciell nisch eller intresse. Mastodonserver (.se) …

We are an open instance for anyone with an interest in computer games (primarily for PC but console gamers are also welcome). Although we are only just starting out, a future goal is to grow large eno …

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