検索: IT


“Tal como o meio-ambiente, o domínio público (ou comum) precisa ser ‘inventado’ antes de ser salvo.” – James Boyle, criador do ‘ambientalismo para a rede’


For anyone who is a casual (or pro) programmer who feels like their code sucks at times. Others are welcome too, I can’t tell you what to do. I’m a description, not a cop.


Hello everyone! Basic social rules apply here, and the moderation follows up on each report. Every rule violation can end up in an account suspension. – In particular, all forms of transphobia, …


Welcome to Bookwitty.social, a social network dedicated to discovering books. Registrations are open to all book lovers! This Mastodon instance is managed by Bookwitty.


Witches Town est là pour fournir un endroit accueillant sur Mastodon pour les personnes queers, féministes, anarchistes et compagnie ainsi qu’à leur sympathisant⋅e⋅s. Nous sommes surtout des fra …


Follow @status for status updates, planned downtimes, etc. There are no restrictions of content on this instance, however, to keep it pleasant to everyone here are a few rules, which will be completed …


トミーウォーカーのプレイバイウェブプレイヤーのためのインスタンスです。 このインスタンスではキャラでのRP推奨です。


We’re an inclusive community that welcomes all, as long as you’re kind and respectful to others. We aim to provide an environment where you feel comfortable enough to participate freely an …


icosahedron.website is a mastodon instance for people who like the stellation of the 20-sided convex regular polyhedron. Other polyhedrals can come too I guess. T A N A S I N N


Newtype Research Institute is a Gundam- and action anime-centric Mastodon community. All universes are welcome, feel free to roleplay your favorite character if that’s your thing. Please do keep …


This is a mastodon instance for those part of and/or interested in the ROBLOX and RBXDev community, maintained by the ROBLOX community!