検索: SF


The community of this instance focuses primarily on technology, especially IT, DevOps, and Programming. We mostly run a clean community, and do now allow NSFW content. Our Code of Conduct – No d …


We won’t instance block, ever. General purpose SFW instance powered by pleroma. You can follow anyone including remote NSFW just keep local posts SFW.


The idea behind Chitter is to provide a safe and private space for friends and mutuals to interact with each other away from the mainstream social network ‘Twitter’. Violet is in charge of …


Rules Tootme.de server is run and provided voluntarily. There are some rules to make living together peacefully possible. You accept these rules by creating an account on this server. In general Germa …


This instance will follow the terms of service/code of conduct of the flagship instance until changes become necessary. Please read and follow them while being part of Cutie Space. Additional Guidelin …


French/english generalistic instance. Be nice with each other. When it’s necessary, please use NSFW tags on photos and content warning. Have fun !


What’s a Moosetodonian? Official Moosetodonians are people from this local instance who are recognized for their contributions to the community. We recognize monetary donations, code contributio …


Beer and free software lovers. #nsfw allowed Our server is hosted in France Do not hesitate to contact our two admins @Kykoonn and @Valère for any questions.


Miaou est une instance Mastodonte, géré et hébergé en France. Elle fait partie de l’intiative CHATONS Si vous rencontrer un problème lors de votre inscription, contactez moi sur admin@drycat.fr …


== Contacts == Fell free to contact me (through @sena@masto.io or sena@smux.net) for any instance related issue. == Rules == Here are the house rules: * No harassing other people; * No posting NSFW co …


Hello everyone! Basic social rules apply here, and the moderation follows up on each report. Every rule violation can end up in an account suspension. – In particular, all forms of transphobia, …


General Rules In particular, all forms of transphobia, misogyny, homophobia, racism, fat-shaming, ableism, engaging in harassment, and any kind of oppressive slurs are strictly prohibited, and will be …


Une instance ouverte à tou.te.s, qui se veut un minimum inclusive : serveur réservé aux personnes parlant français ou anglais, par souci de facilité de modération. Sexisme, racisme, homophobie et tout …


Witches Town est là pour fournir un endroit accueillant sur Mastodon pour les personnes queers, féministes, anarchistes et compagnie ainsi qu’à leur sympathisant⋅e⋅s. Nous sommes surtout des fra …


Términos y Condiciones de Uso Esta herramienta de comunicación está en línea solamente por el esfuerzo de su administrador y, eventualmente, algunas personas que colaboran para que el servicio sea el …


This instance is hosted for everyone who is interested in Technical Stuff, “The Internet”, Games and Crossfit but also for anyone else.


Welcome to the א community! First, here are the main ideas behind our rules that should be yours: – The respect of others is primary. – This instance wants to be peaceful and welcoming. &# …


This is the Mastodon instance of the Maly project. There are only a few restrictions to the users: – No harassment – No posting NSFW without the NSFW Content-Warning – Parodic accoun …


Probabilmente la prima istanza italiana. Non ci sono molte regole; se non avete intenzione di spammare, spendere il vostro tempo trollando e/o molestando le altre persone, postare merda fascista/nazis …


oc.todon.fr est une instance Mastodon francophone et avec une modération active. French-speaking Mastodon instance with active moderation. Règles : Aucun type de harcèlement ou de (micro-)agression n& …


Terms of use Be polite to the others Use NSFW for offending stuff Don’t write things that are against the laws of Czech republic


Welcome on social.tuto-craft.com ! Let me introduce myself ! I’m Skid, the admin, a french tech enthusiast and sysadmin. I run a french web site and other things if you’re interested. Why …


ニュースサイトなどのRSSフィードを自動トゥートするbotが稼働するインスタンスです。 関心のあるジャンルのRSSフィードbotがあればリモートフォローしてご利用ください。 RSSフィードbotの投稿範囲は公開(public)なので、連合タイムラインにも表示されます。 こんな人にオススメです。 ・ニュースサイトの更新チェックもMastodonで済ませたい。 ・連合タイムラインの賑やかし用アカウント …




